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  1. #1 What must you carry on you when riding to be legal? 
    C-Moto Not-so-Noob
    Join Date
    May 2018
    So I bought a second hand bike, my first bike ever.

    I've got a little blue book called the 行驶证
    A big green book called a 机动车登记证书
    A piece of paper proving my insurance 保险
    I still haven't got the 检验
    And I need to convert my 驾照 to a chinese one too.

    What must you carry on you when riding? Do I need to carry all of this stuff? I've been told I need to show the 行驶证 to buy petrol. But I filled it up with petrol fine without showing it. The pump attendant couldn't stop laughing at the laowai with a motorbike

    After I get my 驾照 I need to ride the bike 15km to a garage where they can do the 检验. What is the legality of riding without the 检验 if you're riding to where you can get it?
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  2. #2 Re: What must you carry on you when riding to be legal? 
    C-Moto Not-so-Noob bigheadsnake's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    hi zhejiang rider.
    The only stuff you must carry is 行驶证 and driver license, and according to the law, you should also carry your insurance card(can be put into 行驶证) and the sign of 检验(a little piece of paper can be put into 行驶证 too)

    If you don't do the 检验, when you are checked by the police, the bike will be taken by them, and you pay the fine for that. After that if you don't 检验 for more than 3 times, you bike will be scraped if you are catch by the police.
    Jialing 600 and CJ 650 Sidecar Owner.
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  3. #3 Re: What must you carry on you when riding to be legal? 
    C-Moto Not-so-Noob
    Join Date
    May 2018

    I am going to do the 检验 but I must ride 15km to get it done. I'm just wondering if I will have any problems while riding to the garage to get the 检验

    If the police do stop me, can I tell them I am going to get the 检验 right now?
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  4. #4 Re: What must you carry on you when riding to be legal? 
    Senior C-Moto Guru humanbeing's Avatar
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    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Zhejiang rider View Post
    If the police do stop me, can I tell them I am going to get the 检验 right now?
    Call a van
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  5. #5 Re: What must you carry on you when riding to be legal? 
    C-Moto Not-so-Noob
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Damn, is that the only way of doing it? Do the police not have any understanding when someone needs to ride the bike to the garage?
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  6. #6 Re: What must you carry on you when riding to be legal? 
    KING of MCM LOL prince666's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    china (Longkou), Hainan
    Police in China are normally cool with stuff like that.
    Just ride the bike to the garage you should be 99.99% ok.
    If you start worrying about doing stuff 100.1 % legal in China, then it time leave?
    "Arguing on the Internet is like running in the Special Olympics, even if you win you're still retarded"
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  7. #7 Re: What must you carry on you when riding to be legal? 
    C-Moto Senior Asymptomatic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Changchun China
    I only carry insurance which is a small card kept in my license book, my little black license book and the small bluebook which has the inspection card in it. So really it is only 2 books. Also, with all the check points and stops and accidents I have been in. All the police ever have done was check my license. However, in the accident they also wanted me to pull out my insurance card.

    If the inspection is expired though... you might deal with a fee in order to get the inspection. If you were Chinese that usually entails you going to a police officer and asking for the ticket and then going back to get the inspection. I let mine expire once like a dummy and had to go through this. However they could not figure out how to charge me and ticket me, so they just waved this fee after hours of struggling with it.
    “I have never been lost, but I will admit to being confused for several weeks"
    Triumph Speedmaster, Di ping xian da pao che 5000W, KTM Duke 390, Dayang DY150, Jencheng 150 Razkull Clone
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