Ok, I have a bazillion things going on and almost no time for a proper report, but it just wouldn't be fair to not share a few pics and words from the Taiwan motorcycle show.

First, let me point out that I would also have some pics from the motorcycle exhibition at the Canton fair in Guangzhou, but those dumb asses pretty much destroyed any hope of me ever entering a 50 mile radius of that shit storm ever again. Arrive in Guangzhou 8:30 AM, drive round and round for over an hour while trying to park my car, eventually find parking only two kilometer walk to the fair, stand in line for two hours (yes I did pre-register) finally get told that it will be another hour or two before getting in. Lose hope, walk back to car, get stuck in traffic on the Guangzhou/Shenzhen highway for 3 hours and arrive back home around 4:00. Seven hours, and a bunch of tolls and gas down the drain. But hey... I understand... it's only the 50th time you've had the effin Canton fair and you're still figuring out how to do it... right. ... END OF CHINA RANT.

OK, so back to the Taipei thing, which I was already feeling much better about as soon as I entered the airport in Shenzhen. The whole plane was full of Taiwanese and there was a strange sense of tranquility and order as we boarded and departed. After arriving in Taipei, I spent some time wandering around and enjoying the city. It was nice to be in a civilized place again with people that weren't honking their horns or out to screw each other at every turn. Taipei was the first city I called home in Asia more than ten years ago, sometimes I wish I never left.

So today I went over to the Taipei world trade center, spent three minutes registering and walked in to the show. It's late now, I will try to share some more tomorrow. I think they have some motorcycle parts, but it was hard for me to stay focused.

More later.....
