A few months ago I decided to buy a motocycle... I endo up with a I-moto SM 125 (portuguese name for a Qingqui QM200GY-B (A) with 125cc).
Surely, the reactions of my friends were enthusiastics :
- what? chinese?
- Those things fall apart after a few meters...
- Etc, etc...
Never the less I buy 'Little China' (thats her nickname) and she looks just fine (at least for me):


Then a set to myself the goal of proving that its possible to travel with a 125cc... so a decided to visit my homeland in a rural (now I'm just a city boy) area of Portugal named "Trás-os-montes (translates to behind the hills).
Of course once again I was presented with very positive reactions:
- what? In a chinese byke?
- Those bykes broke as hell ... you will never get there
- Call me to pick you up...
I do not know, but can you see some trend here?

However my mind was made up so I had to resolve some practical things like "how can i put a top case on little china?"... in Portugal I couldn't find any rear rack for this byke, so I decided to build one myself.
Here is the result of two days of hard work (my first job working with metal - and I fill proud ):



The journey total 650 Km (both ways) as you can see in google maps... start in Valongo, ending in Aveleda (city of Bragança):


So the big day came, and here they are (ride and rider) at 7 am, looking good:


Oooppss... it seems I can only put 5 pictures in a post
Is that correct?
Anyone knows how to show bigger pictures?

I'll keep the report in another post...