XF200 Highway.. should I bother?

I can buy a new XF delivered for $1390, I have found three dealers who will sell me one at this price. I currently own four scooters. Two Honda Helixs, a Silver-Wing 600cc and a Yamaha Morphous 250cc. I like the Helixs for around town but they are not very stable on the Highway.. The Silver-Wing uses too much gas.. The Morphous is almost perfect and will maintain 65-75mph and do it with extreme stability.

The only problem I have with all of my scooters is the feet forward seating position... which is fine, even comfortable for short trips but quickly becomes bothersome after just a few miles on the highway.

I want a more upright seating position along with great fuel millage and at $1390 this is something I'm considering... as long as it will maintain 65mph for 15 miles of highway riding.
Do you think this is a realistic speed to maintain? and will the bike feel stable at those speeds?