1 USD = 6.49 CYN
1 AUD = 6.92 CYN

2,500 Australian dollars = 17,300.00 CYN
2,500 American dollars = 16,225.00 CYN

That should mean that an Australian dollar buys more from china not less. As dollars rise they increase imports as dollars fall import decrease if domestic options exist.

Imports into the USA are taxed less then 3% what are they taxed in Australia?

Also if the domestic market in china has been limited by changes in regulations, as the emissions controls have become stricter they then have only export of non-compliant models as a market, so the value of those models falls as the domestic market shrinks for them.

The Chinese make the most motorcycles and sell most of them domestically. However most of these look like export models and some were never offered for domestic sales.

I am wondering if Australia is in stagflation, no growth only inflation in prices, are the prices climbing on everything there? It’s big fear here in the US as less buy the suppliers raise prices to cover costs, it is called stagflation.

High prices on an import from a country that has lower costs….is not good. Higher prices should be only justified if domestically produced as it adds value to the domestic economy.

The Japanese manufacture here, they know that the economy of export markets is important as the sales into them.