I was just reading the monthly bulletin of Transportation Alternatives, a venerable bicycle and pedestrian safety organization in New York City that is working really hard to reduce accidents, reduce dependence on cars, improve the environment for non-motorists, and improve the air among other things. One item that caught my eye in this issue was an article calling simply for greater politeness among those contending for the city streets. There's a picture of a guy with something they are calling a Bike Ambassador Badge, which reads: I Bike Polite. It's attached to his messenger bag. Text of the report is in quotes below.

I think this is a brilliant idea, and could help to keep ourselves calm on the roads, and to help calm others, whether in China or anywhere else.

I'd propose making badges, vests, t-shirts and other wearables with a similar slogan, but spreading the responsibility to drivers as well as riders (bicycle and motorcycle).

In English:

Drive polite!
Ride polite!

In Chinese:

OK, a lot of drivers might be totally baffled, but some might just smile, and hesitate before hitting the horn or cutting us off. Worth a try?



Do you Bike Polite? Stay tuned to the next T.A. StreetBeat to find out how to get your own Bike Ambassador Badge.

As bicycling in New York City has grown, nicknames for bicyclists have followed at a steady pace: menace, criminal, rogue, jerk. While cyclists’ status as most popular pariah may get us a pun on the cover of the New York Post, T.A. knows mockery is only a product of the spotlight. With the inauguration of New York’s public bike share program and many more miles of lanes to come, New York City cyclists’ spotlight is only going to get brighter.

With a new campaign this summer, T.A. plans to change the slant on our public image. The T.A. Bicycle Ambassadors are a growing movement dedicated to improving bicyclist behavior and expanding the base of people who support bicycling. For the past month, they have been out in the streets talking to New Yorkers. Here is what they have been asking New Yorkers to declare:
Responsible riding is safer for everyone.
Bike lanes keep everyone out of each other's way and out of harm's way.
A robust public bike share program empowers New Yorkers with more transit choices.
Reception to the T.A. Bicycle Ambassadors has been overwhelming. Cyclists are uncomplaining as they declare their dedication to polite bicycling behavior. Pedestrians are ecstatic about the bicyclist-to-bicyclist conversation Bicycle Ambassadors are facilitating. In just one month, more than 2,000 New Yorkers have declared themselves New Yorkers for Bicycling.

Bicycle lanes reduce congestion and tame speeding traffic; the simple paint and pavement that protects bicyclists also improves quality of life in New York. These benefits should be no secret among New Yorkers. Help T.A. by spreading the message to your network.