I may be the only one from Turkey here in forum but millions of Chinese bikes in Turkey...

46 yrs old, have been riding big big cc Japanise curuisers and German BMWs for 26 yrs.

Own two forum sites;

Because of personal financial problems and gas prices in Turkey (almost 3 usdollars / liter) sold the BMW and bought a second hand QM 200 GY...

I love it, i really love it.. Since i used to do all maintenance and minor repairs of all my bikes myself, after my BMW R1100GS, this bike is kid stuff.. 1 liter oil and a filter ewery 2000 kms, few touches and hit the road, consuming only around 2 liters gas ewery 100 kms... This should be heaven...

In Turkey they are called Ramzey or Pioneer QM 200 GY..

Here is mine on the mountains of West Turkey..

Planning a long trip for November this year..