
You should also consider a micro-four thirds camera like the Olympus Pen series, or the Panasonic version of the same thing. The sensors are much larger than even the sensor on the Canon G11, and they have interchangable lenses, but the camera isn't that much bigger than a large prosumer compact.

I got my Olympus E-P2 on eBay so cheap it was a steal. Probably literally, although I have no idea. Its a great camera, although I only have one fixed-focal length lens for it because I spend most of my time with my DSLR.

Anyway, for people who think they might want the flexibility of interchangable lenses but not the bulk of a DLSR, I always recommend they take a look at a micro-four thirds.

Here is a review of the E-P3:

If it is out of your price range, try an E-PL2 or E-PL1.