Hey everyone, for some time I've been working on and waiting to become fully legal and am nearly there! However, due to money being tight I'm going to hold off on a purchase of a new motorcycle until after Spring Festival.

I'm looking for a mid-range bike, in the 400-600cc range and would preferably not want to buy Chinese product, such as the Jialings or the CFMOTO. I've heard mixed reports of these bikes, but as a general rule I want to avoid buying Chinese bikes. No offense to those who like those bikes, but I don't want to take the risk.

However, it seems that the more reliable and high-quality Japanese product is hard to come by in this midrange, and it looks like the Yamaha YBR250 and the new Suzuki 250 coming up may be among the choices I'm looking at.

This may be wishful thinking, but has anyone heard of whether the Suzuki GS500 or the Kawasaki 400 are available on the mainland? Any other Japanese midrange bikes that I might have a shot at?