I have some motorcycle product numbers to share.

(Original in Chinese) July 8, 2011: in the Chinese Automobile Industries Manufacturing Committee's monthly meeting report, there were numbers from Motorcycle Manufacturing Industry as well. According to the reporter, the numbers for domestic motorcycle sales is in steady decline while exports of motorcycles has created to an all time high for June, 2011.
Sales of motorcycle domestically was 2,320,800 units in June, a decline of 1.25% from May, 2011. A decline of 13.95% from the same period last year. Sales of two wheeled motorcycles were 2,114,600 units and the rest were three wheeled motorcycles.
First half of 2011 sees a sales of 11,959,600 units of two wheeled motorcycles, a decline of 9.98%( comparing to last half of 2010, I assume). Sales of three wheeled motorcycles were 1,167,700 units, an increase of 10.39%.
Other than a decline of sales, all the major indecators were in decline as well.
Of the 104 Chinese Motorcycle manufacturers, they produced RMB500,140,000,000 worth of motorcycles from Jan.-May, 2011. a decline of 0.86% (did not say comparing to what period). Sales was RMB505,720,000,000, and increase of 0.49% (again, did not say comparing to what period). Profits were RMB12,280,000,000, a decrease of 32.58% (again, did not say comparing to what period or my Chinese is not good enough to understand-同比下降32.58%).
Under the soft domestic market for motorcycles, the motorcycle manufacturers were all increasing their export business. There were 4,921,800 units exported during the first 6 months of 2011, an increase of 26.57%, with an all time high of 995,500 units in June, 2011, an increase of 8.77%. The last all time high was in August, 2008.
I am pretty bad with the big numbers, I donot deal with them too much. The Western World use 1K as base unit while the Chinese uses 10K. Therefore, I may be off by a factor of 10. I did go through these numbers more than twice.
Am I reading this right, the "bike free guys" in China are winning while the reset of the world is moving from cars to motorcycles?
I know that some bike manufacturings are not investing to get a C3 certfication for their dirt bikes. It is not worth their while, they only sold a few when it was C2.
This is a bad trend, we all need to go out and buy new bikes to support the bike manufacturing industry and domistic sales. I've done my part, I order a new Shineray250 with C3 certification. It should be here in two weeks or so.
