Oh Simon ,
where arth thow Culcune-A-Fish ?
It appears I have not guilted you enough into appearing yet ?
I see my work is not done on you !!!!
If your ever going to actually get one of these bikes, you can't be pulling your Hoodinni act on us you know ?
The stakes are raised and my challenge is on with you it so appears now .
Get ready for Moto-War-Fare pal !!!! Remember how much fun you used to have here Foolio ? Do you not remember how pretty China girls are ? Are you now into China guys or what ! Brake off your tail and evolve Simon , you need to make an appearence for your fans . Albeit by now your fan club has dwindled down to just me probably ????
Did I ever tell you I never ever ever never give up ??????

Snortin Norton out