euphonius, i was hoping i could find someone moving on n letting it go, just a punt. but after not being able to ride(or walk) for 5 years . i will do anything to get mounted again.
and about the cost n getting threatened for my plate. it just goes with the territory. paid a lot more for a lot less n been threatened for less before. 'shit append'...........
but as you said its no use to no one without the docs. I'm more worried about getting my ride stolen, or more so what would happen if i caught them in the act ..hahahaha

the truth is i live in central sh but can get n would go with a C licence, if i could be sure its just a fine and not fine and points for riding inner ring. and if i was parked they wouldn't impound my bike. if i could be sure of this then i will get a C. cos 8k ish for an C plus 20 x 200Y fine is still a lot less than 60k for an A....
i can even get an out of town plate for 200. but i found out i can't ride anywhere n if i do they impound it n send it back to the city its reg in. bugger.....

at the end of the day its about riding... so this is just a distraction.. a very expensive one, but when i looked in jan it was 52k last year 45k now me thats a damn site more than u get in the bank.. i now its a risk as is everything. but you got to 'stand for something or you'll fall for anything'