Here is the thing, if a race team has only one sponsor and that one sponsor is itself then typically it is ridding its own products, not somebody else’s. The purpose of race teams are to test and develop technology that the parent (single sponsors) can benefit from.

It is not about advertising your name entirely, it is not about just having fun either. There has to be a functional feedback loop to manufacturing. That’s about applying what is learned and through testing in the field, then developing it into a sellable product.

What they are doing is not really any different then Jincheng racing on Yamaha engines at Dakar. What are they testing a competing manufactures engines? What is this all about altering the components and then calling them their own, its not like that has never happened before. We began with you product and made changes an now it is ours, so typical.

Unnoticed or unknown is rooted in not notable or not note worthy?
Getting or making a name is not the same as getting your name out there.