Another day out. - BJ to north (GuYuan/Hebei) - ca. 300km

Our way: BJ -> S213 to north -> S308 to Ming Tombs -> S212 to YongNingZhen -> BaiHePu Reservoir -> S353 -> X405 -> G112 north -> then coutry side following whats called X404 along HeiHe river (partially offroad) -> finally get on S241 to GuYuan

Now I know I bought a Harley Dyna GS :-)

perfect camp ground.jpg
That would be a perfect camp ground (some Chinese with SUV did)

Dyna GS 3.jpg
Then it got rough ...

Dyna GS 2.jpg
and it didn't get better ....

Dyna GS.jpg
follow the HeiHe

The way to GuYuan.jpg
finally found back the tar