Makes me think about the character Charlie Babbit of the movie Rain Man. An importer, they can likely get you anything you want for a price? A special import would have to go through all kinds of hoops and each one of those hoops represented by a gate keeper, with their hand out, wanting it to be greased.

The CB400 retails in Japan for $8,400.00 for the Super Bol D’OR
685,000 Yen for the Super Four, that’s $7,622.00 USD, the Super Four is the standard version of the CB400

I sure would like to have a CB400, but not for that price of 110,000 RMB that is $17,683.00 USD, but if you have that to spend and you can get it….then why not? At the price they quoted it seems like they would have enough cash in hand to get one through all the hoops into China?

I would suspect if you could get a Ninja 300 it be about half the price of the CB400 or about 55-60k? That’s if the valuation is not changed by Chinese customs, I heard they can do that, claim it worth more then what you paid for it.

I do not think that Charlie Babbit offered service mechanics, his clients likely made their own arrangements? So warranty claims and recalls would be a deterrent.

Funny thing is that once an individual pays to get it through regulations, if that happens all other like models for that year would or should also be able to come through with less resistance? For example if I paid to get an EPA certificate for an Estrella into the USA then others could use that existing certificate, unless I had to make alterations to the vehicle to make it compliant, but that is only emissions, in this country they also require a statement from the manufacturer that the vehicle meets all FMVS standards…in China that would be CCC standards, it likely would but the statement would not exist its a label from the factory, a statement by the manufacturer that the model meet the countries safety standards.

None of the many countries with formal systems are that much different, there are only so many ways to peel an orange? The importer should be able to address all these issue any reluctance to discuss how may be because they break rules or are paying off the process, that being they bribe the gatekeepers.