Right guys, need a bit of help here.

Its somewhat personal and I cant really talk to anyone who would under stand.
Kind of hoping someone here knows the cure.

Iv been married for about 3 years give or take, and dating a couple of years before marriage.
Our sex life used to be alright, never fantastic but 3 or 4 times a week.
We have had a daughter who is now 2 years old and for a while (I cant remember when or how it got the this stage) our sex life has been a dismal.
She can happily go for a month or more without any sexual contact.
I have talked to her about it but nothing changes.

She doesnt work and stay with our daughter all the time (she hasnt worked since a couple of months after we met). She NEVER starts sex, and most the time when I attempt it she gets annoyed.
She spends most her time reading a book on her phone and thats it. I tend to clean the house, hang up the washing to dry and put it away, I play with our daughter almost all the time that I am not at work (which is a killer) She also blows through my cash quickly. I used to give her free run with my money but after a couple of years I noticed that we were always living pay day to pay day. So I started to give her a monthly allowance. She has bought many things that she never uses (expensive french make up, a real hair wig etc etc).
I recently came home to find her sleeping at 7pm and our daughter playing with a wall socket, I went a bit mental at her for that and she refused to talk to me for 2 days (honestly, not a word or a grunt of acknowledgement for anything I said or asked her.

A couple of nights ago I tried it on (when she was talking to me again) and she let me, however she just read her damn book and didnt even take the time out to tend to me.
I gave up and went to the bathroom to relieve my self haha.

We are still quite young. Im around 27 or 28 (crap with numbers and dates so I honestly dont know) shes around 3 years younger than me.

I have done the normal things like flowers and jewelry and clothes (the clothes she said where crap, the jewelry she didnt like and the flowers were (to expensive") I also bought her underwear and that was returned to the shop the same day so she could exchange it. I do other things but mostly they get shot out the water.

I have been fairly good but there comes a time that a man does need some comforting and I feel like that time is fast approaching.

So to this end I sometimes just say "fu** it" and go out by my self for a few days ride and camp. I have returned home to a wife who wanted me to get back on the road and stay away. her mother got us sitting down and talking.

Any ideas how to reengage with her? or is my marriage as dead as a mao? (living on in memory but not really there)