MJH such cynicism, True its been a while since I have posted here or there my FB group and website have kept me quite busy as does my day to day life and school. So something had to give. Unfortuanately all the site I would frequent took to much time and that is what needed to be laid to rest.

However now i find myself with a bit more time and another full year of experience with the CCW brand as well as picking up another newer bike, 09 Yamaha Midnight Warrior (Black Betty). My enthusiasm should never be taken as novice prospect. I have done well over 20000 miles on my Heist traveling up and down the East coast and as far west as Indy, North as Buffalo and Cleveland, and South into Tampa all on my Heist. And another 6000 miles on my Misfit over the year.

Man I have missed you guys and the passion that you all showed. Well now MJH I think you are right and some of the meta tags that Google uses does help in the companies that profit from these machines, but the people will find their passion no matter the company but in the stories or those who pioneered the way. Like Barnone was to me when i first endeavored into the DF world and my heart was broken that the bikes are illegal withing my State. To owing you, MJH, a debt of gratitude for pointing me in the direction of CCW and sending me the link to PITMotors which had me spiral down that rabbit hole of adventure over these last 2 years.

So thank you