I would assume based on the content as it is written there were 106 incidents in 2011 and then
27 events for this half year. Representing roughly 79 less events since 2011. The number of incidents have been reduced, since the enactment of the law, by roughly 75%.

Which also is -392% of 27 as a percentage of 106, percentages of changes can be negative, just not when counting physical events. Percentages can be negative, events can be negative, just not when counting occurrences as physical events, unless as Boolean data and it is not the case here, in the case of Boolean data a negative event is a false opposed to being a true. In that case, it be a measurement of the total population, that being not involved in an incident or involved in an incident, however it still would not be appropriate to represent changes as negative percentages, that is only acceptable when recording losses in tangible units of measure or objects.

Somebody may have been instructed to stretch or embellish, because the change is hardly significant, it would be if it was a change in number of fatalities, but it is only about getting a ticket and with that is subjectivity, that being enforcement may be avoiding issuing the ticket with such a high level of punishment and likely drivers are being now sighted with lesser offenses.

In other words it is kind of sort of propaganda.