Quote Originally Posted by Geronimo View Post
i also know Norm's bike from the very early stages of buildup
Yup, me too.

Quote Originally Posted by Geronimo View Post
since i arrived here in BJ 6 years ago i have been riding CJ's - all of them highly modified (2 of them converted to 2 wheelers) - all around in and outside BJ without having Trouble of any Kind!
You're a dealer, right? You're selling modified CJs, right? And you have an interest in this particular bike, right?

Quote Originally Posted by Geronimo View Post
i have been stopped by Police several times but all they wanted me to do is to take a pic of them on my rides
Dealer advertisement?

Quote Originally Posted by Geronimo View Post
i know within the period of my stay things changed - now that i'm leaving BJ i already sent 2 of my 4 CJ's back to Europe 6 months ago and the other 2 remaining have gone back to Germany 1 month ago
OK - without getting into details about CJs (I've also owned several, starting about a decade ago, of all shapes & sizes), the whole point is ... it is an illegal bike. It is not a 2004 registration, like the seller claimed, and it cannot be renewed (as the seller previously claimed). It is running fake documents. Let potential buyers know the truth & let the buyers decide for themselves - don't f'n lie about it. Lots of people are willing to run with fake docs on illegal bikes (ever seen a Su H plate?) ... well, they're willing to run fakes until they get into an accident. Not so much afterwards.

If the bike won't get into India, and it doesn't sell here, you could also get one of the few remaining CJ shops to whip up some fake registration & customs documents to get the bike into countries that allow "vintage" bikes (i.e., older than 25 years), and have an overseas friend sell it.

By the way, I share space with a large CJ builder in town (one of the few remaining) - he says most of his sales are to 2nd & 3rd tier cities. As a Beijing dealer, he's a bit shy about being held liable in Beijing (read the Traffic Code) if something goes sideways.

Finally, anyone who has been in Beijing a while can see the government's policy trajectory ... one day (who knows when), the man will likely be coming for the illegal bikes. Ever thought about why the gas stations are recording details about bikes & riders? Why are at least half the stations now asking for DL details, as well? Why do you think the police are compiling lists, via gas stations? Just for the hell of it?

Anyways, again - good luck with your sale - just be honest about what you're selling. There's probably a buyer out there, somewhere. Shit, in my exuberant youth, even I bought CJs! OK, fair enough, every CJ shop lied to me ... but that's another story.