Those were the days;
When MCM members were posting their epic riding adventures;
When Milton was posting on how many mountains they crossed, how many times he fell, how many times he climbed up and proceeded,
When MotoKai posted pictures of one gall after an other, never really disclosing details,
When Euphonius went through even bigger adventures, by being one of the first to register a bike in his own name in SH,
When TB Racing was probably posting the most pictures of anyone of us from yet an other ride,
When we all together tackled the problem of the Jialing stalling problem, filling more then 20 pages.
Yes, those were the days.

Now, we face an idiot who thinks it is cool to reply in each and every post without reasoning and without knowledge.
Arguing with everyone, turning every thread in a pissing contest, always trying to have the last say, what more.

Is it strange that most of the hardcore fellows stopped posting?
No, not at all.
But it leaves this forum, which was perhaps not the greatest, but certainly a good source of information for any Chinese specific issues, in tatters.

If I owned this forum, I should seriously think about where this will go if continuing like this.
But that is, I am not the owner, luckily.