
U can often save urself some trouble just by being nice, polite, smiling and 1st addressing the officer with a kind "Jǐngguān Nǐ hǎo!".

Still, there's always the occasional stubborn racist cop to make all ur efforts in respect & niceness vain.

Once I got billed 1 point and 50 RMB for:

- "illegal lane crossing" while crossing a right turn lane from a sidewalk till a straight going lane where I stopped at the red light; in an effort to not block right turners.
- "failure to present technical control sticker" while riding a brand new bike.

It's not a big penalty, but it sure feels unfair to see countless trikes and chariots taking every available wrong way in and around that crossway in total impunity while he prints ur bill after u spent so much time, money and energy getting fully legit.

Since then I know it's not because u have valid D/L, insurance, plate, latest technical control sticker and a helmet like this SmileyHelmet.jpg that u should stop.

If he's running towards u blowing his lungs out through his whistle, he's probably in for the kill.

I only stop if I'm 101% sure I did nothing wrong AND if he's calmly walking towards me.

Any other situation; i'm not gonna let him invent a way to fine me again. Left, right, left, Bzzzzt!!!

I know it's bad but TIC and that's how it's done here.