Ningbo has extended it's "no ride" zone. It is still the "City Centre" but the city centre has grown to the suburbs now. I'm totally fucked off. Some fat pig pulled me up and gave me a ticket. There were no signs on the road to state motorcycles were banned. I told him this and he simply said.. "it's on line." Went to the cop station and the arrogant sods simply smirked. So I'm going to take them to court.. There is no law stopping motorcycles from going anywhere, even on the expressways. If there are no signs banning motorcycles they can't fine you.. So.. I'll spend 2,000 rmb to challenge them. It's been happening a bit.. Many chinese bikers have challenged these stupid rules in courts and the courts simply do not make a judgment. They cannot say the police are wrong so they just "forget" to make a judgment.. EVERYONE needs to be challenging these laws in the courts.. If you can't afford 2,000 rmb for a lawyer you can't afford to be riding bikes.