Hello all,

As the title suggests, my name is Jon and I live in Virginia. I traded an old Nissan Altima for my first bike last week which is a Zongshen 250 GS.

Needless to say I am very excited!!

The big selling point was that it only had 356 miles and it is an 06. It didn't run but he said all I have to do is clean the carb and get a new battery.

After he drove off in my car I thought, "what kind of 9 year old bike has 356 miles on it?"
A bike that has been sitting! And that is never good.

So I went to the internet, probably should have done that before the bike got to my driveway, and realized that there is hardly any information on this particular bike. There are a bunch of videos on youtube not in english. Everyone says they have the manual and will upload it but all the links are broken. I've heard prominent members of various forums say that the engine is a Yamaha or Kawasaki clone, never specific as to which particular engine. Zongshen's presence is not that visible in the US anymore, although they have websites in english, none offer a repair manual. Most stories and forum threads on this bike seem to be posted by a guy who knows a guy who's girlfriend drove one. She has the manual and they will scan it. Or I have to take a survey to download it.

On the plus side, I think parts may be easy to find. Although this might become a street fighter should I ever get it running. And no one seems to being doing that to these bikes either.

Is there a reason for this bikes lack of internet presence? Have I stumbled onto a rare gem? Or did everyone throw theirs out as soon as they bought it? Should I tear it down or put it back on Craigslist?

Can anyone point me in a solid direction? I've used the search button plenty on various forums. I was planning to lurk for a while but I've got to reach out. Thanks a whole lot and hopefully I can contribute to the discussions in the future!

