This is the latest from Galaxy, a little mini XTR!

plenty more pics

I was up there this weekend so i got a chance to try it, and it's a fun little bike, although it feels painfully slow after hopping off the 250. It's a twist-and-go, no gears. A lot of the parts are straight off the 250, so it's pretty good quality and looks great.

Unfortunately it's not yet legally registrable in china and i'm not sure it will be. Because of this i don't really understand the point of the bike. If it can't be ridden legally that makes it just a toy, but at 6000RMB it's a very expensive toy. When you consider that china is already flooded with unregistrable mini dirt bikes that can be bought for 1000RMB, why would anyone spend 6000 when the bike isn't that much better. It's a shame too because if it could registered i would buy one right now for the missis!

Does anyone get the point of this bike?