This is a crazy year for China folks! Besides the 4 meter cracks in my walls everything is fine so far. Death toll as of now is 8000 and there's no way to contact or reach the people at the epicenter.

Despite the bad news, people in the city are handling it well. Just outside my complex, the streets are lined with people sleeping outside!

Some people set up umbrella lean-to's...

While other's opt for more complete protection fromt the mosquitoes by setting up tents next to their cars...

Which is what we've decided to do...but a little closer to home.

Meanwhile, back out in the streets, the locals are snuggling in together ready for sleep...

Other, still buzzing from excitement, are enjoying the experience. It reminds me of the power outtage in NE USA when the people of New York City actually came outside and became friendly with each other, sharing beer and BBQ.

What New York didn't have was, of course pick up street games of Ma Jong!

Although China has it's faults at times, I have to say that this is one super cool aspect of the culture. There will be hundreds of thousands of people sleeping in the streets tonight and making the best of it highlighting one of the most noble features of the human race: good will and comeraderie in the face of disaster!

Sleep tight everyone!