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  1. #11 Re: hello everybody, can anybody please help me? 
    C-Moto Not-so-Noob
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by barnone View Post
    So where does your problem stand?
    still the same sir. got no time to fix my bike becouse theres no time. maybe this sunday. and heres my new promblem sir. when i ride at night and i open the front lights it doesnt light in the mid mode, but when i push the button high the lights then is ok.
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  2. #12 Re: hello everybody, can anybody please help me? 
    C-Moto Senior braillce's Avatar
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    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by d.j.jake1/2 View Post
    still the same sir. got no time to fix my bike becouse theres no time. maybe this sunday. and heres my new promblem sir. when i ride at night and i open the front lights it doesnt light in the mid mode, but when i push the button high the lights then is ok.
    I have both same problems on my China bike:

    Front brake is squeaking all times, applying slight pressure on brakes stops it, but it starts back as soon as i release the brake lever.
    Once I left by disk lock on while I started the bike, the wheel turned once and got stuck, was a pain to unlock the disk lock after that but it stopped the noise for a couple thousand kms, now it's starting again...
    Cheap parts are cheap for a reason, so I'll just change it altogether before to have a bigger pb than that annoying noise.

    For the headlight: It obviously is an electric pb, changed the bulb 3 times, and after only a few hours of use; same thing again, Regular-beam is burnt, only High-beam remains, don't ask me why.
    Asked the mechanic who checked the battery's output while revving the engine, nothing wrong here so he couldn't fix it...
    I suppose it delivers too much power to the reg beam so it fries the filament, I thought of adding a resistor on that specific wire but found a simpler solution:
    I drive either on Low-beam so to be seen, either High-beam so I can see.

    I lowered the head's angle and I "blacked-out" the head light in a T-shape with black tape so the High-beam don't get me every other user's High-beam in the face.
    One could cover just the top half of the head light but the bottom half still is killer, adding the bottom corners to complete the T-shaped mask really helps lower the intensity into smthg like the Regular-beam.
    Then u only lose the High-beam, no big deal for me who don't exit the city...

    I know it's no real fix, but it solves the problems...

    Driving a cheap China bike has cons, u can fight them forever, or play it the China way.

    If u need the High-beam cause u drive out of the city a lot, then I'd suggest adding a light 12V resistor on the Reg-beam wire, easy fix without knowing nothing about electrics, if it still fries it, buy a new bulb & try a bigger resistor, till it works.

    Good luck.
    Le siècle ou nous vivons est un siècle pourri. - Tout n'est que lâcheté, bassesse, - Les plus grands assassins vont aux plus grandes messes - Et sont des plus grands rois les plus grands favoris. - Hommage de l'auteur à ceux qui l'ont compris, - Et merde aux autres.
    Georges Brassens
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  3. #13 Re: hello everybody, can anybody please help me? 
    C-Moto Not-so-Noob
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    yes sir youre right sir. the regular light is broken and the bright only remained. i changed now with the same stock light. i bought a pair 2 weeks ago and its ok. 18w bulb.

    hahaha i love the last quote sir.
    Driving a cheap China bike has cons, u can fight them forever, or play it the China way.

    yes having a china bike, you must need to be very techie or else save money for mechanic.
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