Last October, during the "Golden Week Holidays" we have made a Trip to the Huangshan Mountains. Jim Bryan (Jimbos Sidecars) had organised it so that we all could come together.
George Friddle and Amy, Jimmy Purvis and Kate, Erwin Lohscheller, Mr. Chen and Mr. Liu, Jim himself, Thomas and I.
We have been from Germany, USA and China. 5 Bikes and 1 Truck. 4 Bikes have been shippted with a Truck to Hangzhou and Jimmy and Kate came over from Qingdao with their own Truck.
We meat at the Best Western and than a beautiful Trip started.
Outside Beijing Sidecars are not allowed to use Highways and so we took the Sideroad........long and dusty!!
The 1. Day was the Day of Repairstops. What ever could go wrong, it did!
....and then we came to Taiping Lake and then ...

Enjoy !! and maybe the next "golden Week Ride" will bring us to Ulan Bator. Who knows?
(this Video is available in "watch in high Quality" on Youtube.)