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  1. #1 CFMoto 650TR short screen adjustment 
    foreign China moto dude bikerdoc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Zhejiang PRC, OZ, NZ
    See related 650TR screen upgrade thread.

    Equipment used:
    4mm Allen key spanner
    Electric drill with 4-8mm drill bit, or,
    Dremmel tool with attachment
    2 x 35mm length, 16mm dia' plastic pipe conduit
    4 x 18mm external dia' hex nut
    4 x 65mm Allen headed coach bolts
    4 x 45mm Allen headed coach bolts

    Prior to exploring a taller screen upgrade option for the 650TR, I decided to work with the short OEM screen by modifying how it's mounted. By raising the screen I had hoped to accomplish two objectives.

    Firstly redirect the air flow upwards, hopefully over the top of my helmet so as to have clear air around my face and eyes. The air quality leaves much to be desired in many parts of PRC so this to me is a necessity. Secondly, with the screen raised off the underlying tupperware fascia, I'd have room to mount a smartphone/GPS holder etc.

    First order of business was to remove the screen.

    650TR Screen frontal.jpg

    Fairly uncomplicated process, requiring a 4mm Allen key spanner. Remove the 4 Allen headed coach bolts mounted through the plastic retaining strips on the outside of the screen as shown in the picture above. Once removed this reveals a further 4 Allen headed coach bolts mounted directly against the outer surface of the screen through metal flange washers and rubber grommets. Once the Allen headed coach bolts are removed the screen comes away cleanly.


    I chose to use a couple of different methods to raise the screen. Both of the methods adopted (one after the other over a period of weeks) employed the use of a combination of inserts placed under the screen which the bolts insert through to "lift" the screen away from the dash fascia. Higher inserts and longer bolts were used on the top mounting positions with much shorter inserts on the lower bolts. Firstly though, I needed to mill out/alter the eight (8) holes on the screen.

    650TR screen-3.jpg

    The alteration of the standard holes was needed to allow for the changes to the angles the bolts made in relation to the curvature of the screen and its relationship to the curvature of the dash fascia tupperware and the mounting frame. Meaning the further away the screen gets from the dash fascia to which it mounts the bolts would not align correctly with the nuts secured in the dash frame.

    I didn't want to increase the diameter of the holes perse, as then the rubber grommets would no longer fit, but rather make the holes more rectangular to allow the rubber grommets and the metal flange washers to have some lateral/horizontal movement. This would allow for alterations and changes in the angles the bolts would travel throughout the insertion and removal ranges of motion.

    Also needed were longer bolts. I'd previously ordered a variety of Allean headed coach bolts given that the 650TR has many different length and sized bolts, some of which I'd envisaged would loosen over time with the vibration of a twin cylinder, and notorius under torquing of bolts so commonly experienced with PRC manufactured motorcycles/scooters. Eight (8) bolts of appropriate sizes were selected to replace the standard ones used. If I recall correctly, I think I was able to reuse the four (4) OEM upper bolts for the lower mounting position.

    On the first go around, I'd used some rubber hose and large hexagonal nuts to pack out the underside of the screen, which the inserted bolts "threaded" through.

    Later I found some small 16mm diameter prepacked round plastic conduit from B&Q for less than cny10, which I then used to replace the rubber hose I had used initially.

    650tr screen raise 05.jpg

    Since these were white and would likely look out of place, I used a black permanent marker to change the colour of two of the conduit pieces I intended using.


    Once this was done, it was a matter of putting everything back together. The photos of the results follow below.
    Last edited by bikerdoc; 10-04-2013 at 01:36 AM.
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  2. #2 Re: CFMoto 650TR short screen adjustment 
    foreign China moto dude bikerdoc's Avatar
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    Oct 2009
    Zhejiang PRC, OZ, NZ

    Couple of extra coats would make these less conspicuous.

    650TR screen gap LHS.jpg

    First method I used two (2) 18mm external dia' hex nuts on both sides for the top bolts that pass through the screen and one (1) 18mm external dia' hex nut on the lowest LHS & RHS bolts that pass through the screen. I didn't use any inserts for the other four (4) bolts that also hold the screen plastic strips in place.

    650TR screen gap RHS.jpg

    RHS view.

    650TR screen gap top.jpg

    View from riders seat. From the front the modification is not obvious.

    Result 40-50mm screen raise from top dash fascia edge. Perfect fit for smartphone/GPS holder mounting and clock. More importantly much improved wind flow, though not quite over the top of the helmet.
    Last edited by bikerdoc; 10-04-2013 at 01:43 AM.
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  3. #3 Re: CFMoto 650TR short screen adjustment 
    foreign China moto dude bikerdoc's Avatar
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    Oct 2009
    Zhejiang PRC, OZ, NZ
    place holder 2
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  4. #4 Re: CFMoto 650TR short screen adjustment 
    C-Moto Noob
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Thanks for the good instructions. I did a similar mod. Then I bought a sheet of 630mm sqare perspex and bent up a huge screen to hide behind. The shape turned out good. It does not look out of place.
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