Was on my way to a local car and bike show on Thursday evening when I had the mis-fortune to pick up a thorn in my rear tyre. Half a mile down the road the bike started snaking violently, fortunately I managed to stop with no mishaps. I had ridden past a farmer flailing his hedgerows and must have picked it up then. After waiting not too long the RAC brought me home in their van, so yesterday I went out and bought some new tyres and tubes. I decided to go with road tyres as I never take the Lifan off road. I bought a pair of Continental Twists, it came to £70 for two tyres and two tubes, which I thought was a fair price.
Just been out for a short shakedown ride on them, they seem oddly smooth after the knobbly Kingstones that we're on the bike when I bought it. I found it a slightly odd feeling rolling smoothly along after 3000 Kms of the whirring and slightly rough feel from the original off road tyres. Am off out for a Sunday ride tomorrow to the coast providing no rain is about. Will be interesting to see if they improve rider fatigue as I found the previous ones a bit energy sapping on a long ride.