Quote Originally Posted by CrazyCarl View Post
Hey ZMC, I think you've basically summed up the prevailing attitude towards CMotos in much of the western world. Your comments also go to illustrate how much work there is to be done and why it's an almost unfair burden to place on the backs of small businesses.

True, but some opinions are formed from bigotry, where people just don't like the whole idea of Chinese motorcycles and say 'no' regardless. However my eyes are open and I've formed this opinion from personal experience. I think there is a difference, a similar conclusion has been reached from different avenues. There are also some western commenters that say something like 'in the 1960s and early 1970s Japanese bikes were looked down on and called 'Jap-crap' by many people, there was little innovation and they were essentially copying Italian, British and American designs, now Chinese manufacturers are going through the same stage - so cut them a break'.

But really Japan isn't China and 99% of each population will testify to that with every ounce of their being. Sadly design and innovation outside of electronic engineering, modern architecture and fashion in China is pretty seldom, due to the education system, in most part IMHO. I can see nothing much more than a slow catch-up then China being a big manufacture hub for big western brands like Thailand or India. The government is hoping for 'a Honda of China', surely meaning a world leading R&D marque for motorcycle automotive design and excellence, honestly, I just can't see it, although I'd be happy to be proven wrong.