Actually, the cost of our electric motorcycle is one of the most inexpensive on the market.

Closest competitor is Zero FX which is about the same in range at 130km per charge, same top speed at 130km/h.
$11,000 USD or 70k RMB (Plus all the import tax and stuff)

Other electric motorcycles are way up in the value chain, at $15k - $40k USD.

Our lithium pack is maintenance free for 7 - 10 years, depending on how you ride. At the end of the life cycle, you will still have 80% or your usable life, and 7 to 10 years later, i can almost guarantee there will be a solar farm or server farm that will pay you handsomely for your automotive pack. We're working those deals out right now, but no one is going to see any benefits until we start seeing our first packs come back in 5 to 7 years or so.

User customized throttles are available on Evoke OS.

Sure, DB could be good, but I feel there's going to be a lot of changes happening in the e-motorcycle space over the next 2 years, according to one of our investors at the Ministry of Transportation. ;)