These pictures are of the dirt road from Ganzi to Manigange, then of Yushu itself.Yushu was my destination for this trip. I spent nearly a week there. Because I was travelling just before the golden week, I saw very few other travellers. I was glad when I met another foreign traveller-a Spanish guy in Yushu and we explored the city. One night, after succeeding in finding a bar, some tibetans filled our table with beers and we only paid for two, leaving shaky at the end of the night. I rode out to the grasslands near Yushu with Arnau on the back and we went along dirt roads, descending steeply into a valey (the road we took is marked on the picture by red arrows) and into a valley where there was a large temple damaged badly by earthquake.
Traveling by motorcycle really does afford you access to places others rarely go.

It was a good time in Yushu, but I'd been on. the road alone for abbout a month and I finally decided to turn back and go the way I'd come when the snows arrived to Yushu.

Pictures in the link below.

I'll add one more picture dump later of the return journey. This was really scenic because of the fresh snow on the mountains, but difficult at times, because of the temperatures and the snow (roads were clear but this was my first time riding with the snow driving into my visor and the cold fingers. Made for great pictures though. I will add those later.