This guy is indeed a character! He calls himself "the wolf from the North Pole" and states he's pretty satisfied how this project came out, though he doesn't dare ride faster than 80kph because it becomes hard to control. At the end of the little video he proclaims that "head-turning rate" is satisfyingly high. Indeed, there are dozens of comments in the thread that would translate roughly as "you da man"!

As for the bike, the brand seems to be Chuanjing (川井), which despite the name is in Guangdong not Sichuan.

One question: What is it about sidecar bikes that make riders want to ride on two wheels? I guess this is about the one stunt a sidecar can do and is so easy to do (given the laws of gravity and centripetal force and momentum) that the first time usually happens inadvertently for most riders. Still, I just don't get the appeal of this kind of riding, or of the whole sidecar concept, to be perfectly honest....

Lao Jia Huo, as a sidecar aficionado, would you care to explain?
