Dear jmguojun,

I am sorry to hurt your feelings. This was not my intention! People in this forum love Chinese motorcycles, and love motorcycling in China -- just like you. But there are good ways to participate, and not so good ways. Going to every single thread and saying the same thing, and asking "how much" for every bike, are not good ways. I am sure you have a lot of experience and knowledge that we would love to learn from you. Yes, language is a barrier. We have members in this forum from all over the world, and 99% of our posts are in English. This is just a fact of life.

Here's a challenge for you. Start posting your own thread about your own motorcycle. Try to write in English. Short posts. Don't ask, "How much?" Instead, say, "Here's where I ride" and "Here's how I improved my XTR250..." and "here's what I plan to do next with my XTR... etc.

The best members of this forum are those who contribute interesting, useful and fun information to the forum. I am sure you have a lot of information to give. Please give it!

thanks and good luck!