They have a Benelli BJ600GS here in Shanghai, ready to be tested (well, THAT is something in the first place ...).
From how dirty the bike looked, it seems that at least there is much interest for it already :)

I did not ride the bike yet, but can only agree with you that the visual quality of the bike is much much higher then anything "chinese" I have seen before. And it looks damn good in overall design as well.
If that extends to the quality of the material of the components they used, it should be a big step forward.

However, Italians motorbike manufacturers are not known for their highest quality, and if you are not able to do things yourself, all depends on your 'dealer'.
With the bike a fairly complicated design (compact, 4 cylinder, all electronically controlled), that requires some knowledge.

If your delaer cannot provide that, and you can not do it yourself, you rather stay away from it.

My 2 cents ...