I have never been able to figure out why MCM is sensitive to certain words. However, it seems to be the practice of MCM members to "disquise" them, so I just step into line, like the little sheep I am.

I visit other websites in China, some quite popular (e.g,. The Beijinger), and T and V are both openly discussed. I also recall reading a recent article from the Global Times (government run news outlet) about some crackdown on VeePeNs (I think the crackdown lasted .... hmmmm ... a week?). Humorously, the advertising banner at the top of the Global Times webpage was for a V company. Here's a link.

I also lurk around Chinese MC websites and there are dozens of threads on T rides, and T experiences.

I also think that CC, the webmaster, is a pretty sharp tack who would know what is going on. I just consider the members' practice here as being no different from those places that say "jacket & tie required"

Anyways, it all begs the question ... I wonder if you can get a V in T?